Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is in a name?

When I decided to create a blog I knew that the name would be Granted. As I started trying to create the blog I realized that Granted was a very popular word and had to start improvising (PermissionGranted, AccessGranted,ToBeGranted, etc.). Well, I decided to look up the meaning of the word Grant and fell in love with the word/name even more then I already was.

To Grant something is to give something; a gift, property, permission. To be Granted is to receive these things. To take for Granted is to accept without question or objection.

We had considered the name Grant for a grand total of about 33 seconds before Grant was born. We were 99% sure his name would be Alden, even though neither Jon nor I could really bring ourselves to say the name when talking about "the baby". When Grant was born he was a very manly looking baby, and Alden just didn't seem to fit. I hadn't even really laid eyes on him when Jon came over and said "He is huge, and has lots of hair, and his name is Grant". I never would have imagined that I would let Jon fully name him, but somehow Grant was so perfect that I couldn't object.

I absolutely love Grant's name. It fits everything about him perfectly. We have been Granted a perfect, healthy, and amazing little boy who has captured our hearts and made everything about our lives better, please let us never take our Grant for Granted.

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